Mission and values
Our mission is to ensure food security and development of Russia's agro-industrial complex, contribute to the growth of people's well-being, and introduce innovative solutions into traditional production and business models.
Our values

Traditions and development
We honor the century-and-a-half traditions of the agro-industrial sector of our country in milling, the constructive aspirations of the shareholders, management, and staff of the company to develop modern production for the benefit of Russia.
The main criterion for evaluating our work is the quality and safety of our products, the improvement of public health, and the enhancement of the quality of life for current and future generations.
Human capital is our primary resource and driver of development. We highly value the knowledge, competence, and valuable contribution of each of our employees, regardless of their position.
We value our reputation, building strong partnerships based on the principles of mutual respect, openness, integrity, and responsibility.
About the Group of companies
GK MELKOM JSC is a group of enterprises of the grain processing and fat-and-oil industry, agriculture, forestry, poultry, fish farming and trade, connected by a single technological chain to coordinate and improve management efficiency.
Today GK MELKOM JSC has entered a new phase of development, constantly studying market opportunities, expanding production, improving the management system and capturing new markets.
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tons of finished
products per year
own brands
production sites
For investors and shareholders
GK MELKOM JSC is part of the Russian Funds Investment Group and is responsible for managing the agro-industrial sector.
The Russian Funds Investment Group is actively working in the field of direct investments in various sectors of the Russian economy. One of the prioritized areas of activity of the Investment Group is the development of enterprises in the agro-industrial sector engaged in agricultural processing and selling agricultural products.
GK MELKOM JSC enterprises produce and sell flour and pasta, cereals and oilseeds, products of the oil extraction complex, produce and sell a wide range of feed for livestock, the fishing industry, domestic and laboratory animals.
People are one of the key factors of our success
Employees are our main resource and driver of development. We highly value the knowledge, competence, and useful contribution to the common cause of each of our employees, regardless of their official status.